a voice in the wind

"I am learning to see. I don't know why it is, but everything penetrates more deeply into me and does not stop at the place where until now it always used to finish. I have an inner self of which I was ignorant. Everything goes thither now, what happens there I do not know." - Rainer Maria Rilke

Saturday, December 13, 2008

विचित्र परन्तु सत्य हूँ

u might be wondering why i posting so emotional. actually i wonder a lot rather always.. so do i wonder too why came my life's shattering, why does the things mingled up , why does i lose confidence, why does i get downgraded even by ppl whom i love.well these all are quite confusing to u , so lets wonder about those thing that i wonder quite often...............
i wonder why i have to stop when there is a procession of redlight cars of those rich leaders, even when they have taken oath for our service. why i have to spend so much money, and why does LEVI's so costly.. they r not so gud....,.why i have to drink milk daily,why i have to ride my stupid byke when m worth of some 200cc one.why i have to consolidate myself with what i have when i can achieve more. why do my room get dust very often, why my tummy dnt go inside.
why i wonder a lot..............

but still there is hope , there is will to know all .i can live by it probably....all do

THE PARADOX OF OUR TIMES......................

The most shattering think that occur to me is , our paradox of this time. its not that i have been concerned about it now, its been in my soul always ,and i will always regret for this.The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter temper,wider roads but narrower viewpoints..We have more stuff of degrees but less sense, more knowledge .but less judgment, more experts , yet more problems, more medicine but less health. We have multiplied our possession ,but reduced our values.We have added years to life not life to years. we have done larger things but not better things.these are days of quick trips, disposable diaprs , throwaway morality,one night stands,overwight bodies(this just click me after i saw a movie called 'EWALL'),and pills that do everything from cheer ,to quite and even kill.YOU would have been reading it just like a rhythmic story. whatevr it be ,
but remember my words, they are senti but they are human.......
>spend sometime with ur loved ones , because they are not going to be around for ever.
>to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with ur heart and it doesnt cost a cent.
>to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again.
>give time to love , give time to speak and give tyme to share the precious thoughts in mind..........

i would say thats true friendship, or rather thats true human..

have to say a lot but above lines will do i hope.all these just turn up when i was going through my DAD's diary thatt says,,,"LIFE IS NOT MEASURED BY THE NO. OF BREATHS WE TAKE,BUT BY MOMENTS THAT TAKE OUR BREATH AWAY" .