a voice in the wind

"I am learning to see. I don't know why it is, but everything penetrates more deeply into me and does not stop at the place where until now it always used to finish. I have an inner self of which I was ignorant. Everything goes thither now, what happens there I do not know." - Rainer Maria Rilke

Saturday, December 13, 2008

विचित्र परन्तु सत्य हूँ

u might be wondering why i posting so emotional. actually i wonder a lot rather always.. so do i wonder too why came my life's shattering, why does the things mingled up , why does i lose confidence, why does i get downgraded even by ppl whom i love.well these all are quite confusing to u , so lets wonder about those thing that i wonder quite often...............
i wonder why i have to stop when there is a procession of redlight cars of those rich leaders, even when they have taken oath for our service. why i have to spend so much money, and why does LEVI's so costly.. they r not so gud....,.why i have to drink milk daily,why i have to ride my stupid byke when m worth of some 200cc one.why i have to consolidate myself with what i have when i can achieve more. why do my room get dust very often, why my tummy dnt go inside.
why i wonder a lot..............

but still there is hope , there is will to know all .i can live by it probably....all do